About Me

Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

"52 Weeks of Color Challenge": Electric Lime (17/52)

Skin: Bird Skin - Faded 3, (fd) Fashionable Dead
Eyes: Realistic Eyes 17, Eye Factory
Lipstick: Lip Tricks - Goth Queen, .:Glamorize:. 
Hair:  Emo 02A - Pink, dura
Tattoo: Body Graffiti - asian theme, Canimal
Gone and miss it a lot!
Bracelet left arm: 80's Pop Bracelet, Cake 
Bracelet right arm: Leather Bangles, Sn@tch
Ring: HoC-Bone-Triple-Ring, House Of Creations
Top: lollipop Shirt, ::7Style::
Pants: pant fraish green, ][AV][ 
Shoes: Amy Wedge - Black platform, A-Bomb

5 Kommentare:

  1. Love it Succi, the shirt, hair and pants combo is so cute... that shirt is a freebie *skips off to get one*

  2. Thanks Rudh! :) shirt is free and pants are only 75Linden *giggles

  3. Very electric! I love the pants

  4. OOHH! LOVE this look! Shirt is way to cute, gonna grab that one
